In case you didn't realise, April was a month of blogging A-Z for 26 days. I kept to my general writing theme (as with my normal weekly posts), with a few other random ones thrown in. I've had some wonderful feedback and great support from the A-Z community, so thanks for all of that. It really encouraged me to keep going, which was key; I didn't think I'd make it far past a week trying to keep up at the start!
I'm now returning to posting on Miss Write on Thursdays... and slightly missing the A-Z Challenge! Weird, huh?
My first post post-A-Z Challenge is a summary of my ... A-Z posts. Did you miss any?!
A - 5 ways to survive film ADAPTATIONS
B - Robinson Crusoe - BOOK Review
C - Could you COPE without social media?
D - The DEVIL in me
E - How ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY is being a writer?
F - FIVE books which inspired me
G - 'G' is for GOAL
H - 'H' is for the colour of HUNGER
I - 'I' is for IDEAS
J - Unusual words beginning with 'J'
K - 'K' is for (Stephen) KING
L - 'L' is for LIPSTICK
M - MY CHILDREN will do it differently
O - OWNING UP - Three things I hate about being a writer
P - How to write a PRESS RELEASE
Q - Best Scrabble words beginning with 'Q'
R - RENTING a room? 20 tips to protect yourself
S - If I were a SUPERHERO...
T - 'T' is for TIARA
U - I'm taking to U!
V - Very Short Fiction
W - 'W' is for W*llies - A cautionary tale
X - 'X' is for EX
Y - 'Y' is for (never) YIELD
Z - Zzz... How much sleep does a writer need?
Take a look on Twitter #AprilBlogChallenge to find other A-Z blogs worth checking in on.
Thanks for reading through April. I hope you found some of the posts useful - even the random one about baking!
See you next week,
Lou x
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Born To Be A Tourist