I recently finished reading Red Dust Road by Jackie Kay while I was half way across the Atlantic Ocean. On my arrival in the USA, I waved the paperback at the stewardess wishing us a safe onward journey at the door. Did she want a free read? The cabin crew must have a bit of personal down-time before they make their return journey in a day or two, and what better way to spend it than chilling with a page-turner?
As I would have done, the stewardess jumped at the chance of a free book. Her face was surprised, more than anything, but I hope this gesture made her day. It doesn't even matter to me if she enjoyed it (although it was an ok read); it was the pleasure of giving it away which I wanted to share.
1. It feels good! Gifts are not limited to Christmas, Valentines and birthdays, and passing on a book to a friend can bring pleasure to the giver and getter.
2. The owner wishes to support a good cause by donating it to a charity shop.
3. Authors give away books they've written to get some word-of-mouth on the go to encourage sales. Readers, if they like the freebie, will often get hooked on the series.
5. Everyone likes a freebie! Something you actually are interested in with no price tag attached is a great opportunity. You might learn something new or discover a new author when the receiver of your book reciprocates with a freebie back for you!
Of course, books are not for everyone. My husband, for example, is a reader in two languages, but he thinks a book is a lousy Christmas present. I have a project there, I think...! However, many people love the prospect of books under the tree.
Check out GoodReads 'top books to give away' for more inspiration.
Fancy a free book yourself? Visit this Facebook group where bloggers give away free books.
Happy gifting!
Lou x
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