I want to argue that this should not be the case. I am not judging to any specifics, and this is not a personal sling at anyone in particular, but I believe that the quality of ebooks would increase if Amazon requested a small amount for the privilege an author has of publishing their books electronically.
Of course, I don’t want to exclude anyone who cannot afford to publish via ebooks due to lack of personal means, but most people who have an internet connection on their laptop have a spare couple of quid to pay for the publishing of their ‘baby’. If they’re serious about getting their book ‘out there’, the author will hopefully have worked incredibly hard on the story, the editing, and the cover, and have priced it accordingly. My argument is that Amazon charging a minimal fee would root out those who are not serious or passionate about writing and publishing their own work. It may well result in better books from more serious writers.
We've all heard the line "everyone has a book in them". Heaven forbid they all let it out. For instance, Suzie Allegra says 81% of Americans say they have a book in them.
We also know not everyone can (or should) write. Perhaps 'in them' is where the book should stay. Bad writing tends to breed like rabbits. It's exponential in the spread of bad grammar, structure and plot, poor imagination and under developed stories and characters.
Now, I know you're looking at this post, thinking 'typo!' or scrutinising my sentence structure, but I am under no illusions. I am not a literary genius, I am no expert in penning a good yarn. I write for the pure pleasure, therapy and creativity of it. I do my best, I use copy editors to tweak my publications, and I am learning more every day. Ebooks are a fantastic outlet, especially for the longer (heavy) and shorter (less popular with publishers) novels and many millions of excellent short stories which are available. I just think a small contribution from the author would make the medium of ebooks a more seriously considered product.
As always, let me know what you think.
Lou x