** V is for VSS (very short fiction) **
If you're on Twitter, you may well have seen the hashtag #VSS flying about. This stands for 'Very Short Fiction', where Tweeps write short stories the length of a tweet (140 characters). I thought I'd share my most recent #VSS offerings for the day of V.
If you like the thought of creating fiction like this, also check out the prompts from #twitterfiction and #ThePush
PROMPT: Where did the 15 high school students go when the bus disappeared?
A bus load of 15 students and a driver disappeared. The hole swallowed them. The tunnel finally gave up its prisoners, standing confident.
PROMPT: Describe an unphotographable moment.
A family gathering undocumented. This reunion has been 8 years in the making, still no joy is recorded. Cameras are not commonplace at funerals.
PROMPT: Describe your favorite song without using the name of the band or the name of the song.
An old fashioned girl’s name. Upbeat and mentions ginger hair. Lifts my spirits and can’t help but make me dance! #favesong
You expect me to be humbled by your mere presence. The fact that I answer your questions with nonsense gives me away.
He could feel the beating of the baobab beneath his torso as he embraced the trunk. The tree shared tales with him older than stardust.
The gentle reflexologist did her job and Angie's disolved. Her toes told stories of tension and slowly it lifted. Best $30 ever spent.
The heist had failed. The intelligence had been wrong. She was 7 years old caught with her mum's empty purse.
See you tomorrow!
Lou x
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Born to be a Tourist
Image from Professor Beej