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** S is for SUPERHERO **
If I were a superhero, I wouldn’t want invisibility
Super-powered strength or shapeshifter ability.
Some people crave being perpetually youthful
But X-Ray vision’s not so useful.
I know exactly what superpower I’d love,
And it would fit me like a glove.
If I were a superhero, I’d be able to fly.
I’d jump off a building and soar into the sky.
Just how I’d get up to the roof,
I’ll suggest no evidence or proof.
Because that skill would most likely
Have HR here fire me less than politely.
If I were a superhero, I’d fly around the world,
And around my waist my cloak would furl.
A face mask would be inconvenient
As a method of concealment
Uncomfortable, klunky and awkward on the nose
As any spectacles wearer knows.
If I were a superhero, I’d jet off this morning.
That makes Monday much less boring!
First stop, Costa Rica to see a mate or two,
Off to a beach no one else could get to.
Follow that with India, the Taj Mahal,
Polar bears in the Artic and the Panama Canal.
So if I were a superhero, I wouldn’t save the planet.
You know I’m already itching to plan it!
What use to the world is a flying woman
To deal with the world's problems common.
I’d definitely enjoy myself and you’re invited too,
Until they lock me up and exhibit me in a zoo!
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Lou x
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Image courtesy of TV Tropes