** O is for OWNING UP **
I’m owning up – I don’t love EVERYTHING about being a writer. Sure, it’s great most of the time, but sometimes it’s bloody tough.
These are the three things I hate about being a writer.
When someone says “Oh, you’re a writer – will I have heard of anything you’ve written?”
I don’t flamin’ know! Do you read a lot? Do you read my genre? Do you even read books written by my sex?! Yes, as ridiculous as this seems, some people I know only read novels written by men, so therefore they will not have read anything by me.
We all know it’s good to have read something by the author you’ve met, but there are nicer ways to ask this! Perhaps rephrasing it to “Ooh, interesting, what have you written – pardon my ignorance?”
Ok, maybe that’s taking it a bit far, but a simple alteration to “Oh, you’re a writer – which books / blogs / magazines would you recommend I look at to find your writing?”
I hate that writing can be such a lonely profession.
However, I work hard to make sure I am not lonely in being alone. I connect regularly on Twitter with other writers and we have some good support networks (and banter!) between us now. Big thanks to GK Kingsley, Catherine Green, Alethea Williams, Rebeccah Giltrow, and Jacqui who are staunch supporters and ‘retweeters’ to a significant and very much appreciated level.
And of course, I run Towcester Writers Group and I still have a spot in my heart for my original writing group Speakeasy (Milton Keynes) as the very first group I attended. Being a member of a writing group is essential for any writer, in my opinion – check now to see if there are any groups near you! If not, why not start one? It’s not so hard - I did it!

This is just not true. I have a full time job and lots of interests, many friends to keep in touch with, family to spend time with… Some people have a disappointed look on their face when I have no publishing news for my second novel. I won’t lie – it’s not anywhere near ready yet, even after a good 18 months into the first draft. However, I tell enquirers that new, fresh stuff is always available online!
I just cannot write full time, but when I do, I enjoy it. My blog is something I am relishing this month, being stretched by the A-Z Challenge, but I also write the occasional short story, a monthly column for MK Pulse magazine, as well as working on that second novel. Just imagine how productive I would be if I was a full time writer!
Never fear, I am not giving up the quill anytime soon. I love to write, and I think I will always write in some form or another. I’ve written since I was a youngster, starting with letters to my Grandma and holiday journals, and now I just can’t stop!
All the best,
Lou x
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Born to be a Tourist - this week, my first restaurant review!
Images courtesy of Through My Looking Glass and A Blog Of One's Own