I wish for a proper writing desk, but I can't find one (with drawers - essential!) which will fit in my flat.
I don't write well when sitting in the sun. I fall asleep, and the glare on the screen is unbearable. I was always envious of fellow students who could revise in the sun! I can't write when I'm tired, had a drink or in a bad mood. I need to be well-rested and well-fed. I also need somewhere to rest my laptop and a bit of space to put pens, notepads etc. on the side.
You're seeing the view from my sofa. This is where I blog from every Thursday evening and where I am doing most of my work on my WIP. It's not the best position to write in posture-wise, but being in a 'leaning-forward-intensely-concentrating' position works. The intensity keeps me focussed. For some reason, I think I write better when I have peace (no TV or radio), flowers (part of the 'feel-good' factor), fresh air and daylight... This arrangement has all of those.
What does your writing desk look like?
Lou x
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