Guinness and Chocolate cake, to be exact.
"Yuck, Guinness," you're probably thinking. Well, you know I like my 'odd' cakes, so had a go.
Needless to say (from the photo), this was not my greatest triumph in baking. I managed to only put half the chocolate in that the recipe required, quite by accident, honest - it's not been eaten! The missing 50g is still in my kitchen cupboard... I don't know if this made much of an impact on the structure of the cake, but it remained decidedly soggy when I checked on it in the tin this morning. Look how lopsided a single slice is after a couple of hours in my lunchbox this morning!
To make it a bit more chocolately, I cut the cake in half when it had cooled and dabbed chocolate frosting in the middle to make a sandwich. "That should help!" I thought, triumphantly.
So, how does it taste? Pretty 'meh', if I am honest. I understand the idea - Guinness is supposed to have a slight chocolate taste to it when it's served cold, so the brown good stuff and the black nasty stuff should mix quite nicely. However, the distinct lack of chocolate in my cake made the cake taste a bit too beer-y. Maybe it needed a bit more time in the oven too...
Never mind! I'm still enjoying my 'zumba day' piece of cake treat. Maybe a 50% reduction in chocolate will emphasise the booze in the mixture? Here's hoping!
Have I made you hungry? Well, short of popping into my office this lunch time, if you're in the Manchester area and want to try a real, PROFESSIONAL job, I am sure Kate's Cakes will be happy to oblige!
See you Friday for a writing themed blog. I am still writing, just!
Lou x
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