The date of our wedding will be... drum roll please...
Thursday 21st August 2014
How did we decide on the date?
Well, my dad works part time (every other month), so we are limited to 6 months out of 12 if we want my parents to be there - of course we do!!! And 'there' is abroad, in Costa Rica, so it's not a case of popping down somewhere for the day.
My mum works in a school, so it made sense to keep the wedding trip to the school holidays.
February half term and Easter are out of the question - too soon! May is even pushing it, really, to give people enough time to book flights etc. October half term is not a great option either as it's in the middle of rainy season in Costa Rica. And Christmas? Don't go there!!! There's way too much happening then to add a wedding to the mix!
This means August. It's still 'low season' in Costa Rica and before the rainy season, and we can use the bonus day off in our annual leave allowance for the August Bank Holiday if we plan carefully!
Then we started thinking... A beach wedding. We had the smart thought to book the ceremony for a weekday to try to avoid as many other people as possible enjoying the beach at the weekend. We plucked 'Thursday' out of the bag. There's only so many Thursdays in August this year (4) so we provisionally went with the 21st to plan around. We need to factor in some before and after events too (e.g. reception), so this really helped. In actual fact, we stuck with that exact date.
Funny coincidence
Mi prometido (fiance) pointed out... August is the 8th month. My birthday is on the 8th (February). The 21st is the same date of my boyfriend's birthday (September). A good omen - the're there if you look hard enough, haha!
This was all decided in 15 minutes flat. Easy!
Now the fun really starts...
Lou x
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