First I had to make the mixture. I carefully bought all my ingredients, but the only 'fine' flour I could find in a selection of about 14 varieties was bread flour - and it had grains in it. This meant I had to sieve out the lumps, but I figured it made the flour even more fine. Perfect!
I followed the recipe, but it came out way too wet. I was making the green pasta recipe, where you need to add a whole packet of fresh spinach, so that's probably why - a bit too much water was added to the mixture post-boiling. I added more flour and egg in sensible quantities (guided by the original recipe) and I think I saved it.
There is definitely an art to this, something willing videographer/housemate seemed to catch onto pretty fast! The drier the mixture, the better the result.

Once it's as thin as you can manage without destroying it - it'll be as long as your arm! - then the real fun starts. This is when you get to make shapes out of your precious mixture. I went for noodles and spaghetti - the simpler shapes for a beginner!
The noodles had a bit of trouble coming out of the shaper in the machine's teeth, but something which resembled noodle pasta finally came through. Hooray!
This was the finished result. It was a little moist - probably due to the spinach/water content. Maybe I should have started with a plain pasta mix, but where's the fun in that?! I left it out to dry for 3 days... Unfortunately, due to the egg content, the pasta went mouldy before it dried. Oops. Good job I wasn't hungry!
Well, that was fun, and it's one more thing crossed off my 30 Before 30 list! Would I do it again? not likely! Pasta is so cheap and easy to find in the shops. And you don't have to do a deep clean on your kitchen after it's made. Thanks to Lauren for lending me the machine - glad I tried it out!
See you next week - I promise to post some more of my writing. I do have something in mind... You deserve it, putting up with my pasta, Hen Do news, wedding planning, and 'rough day' posts of late!
Lou x
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