Since social isolation started, I've been running an online nursery rhymes session. Here's a snap of today's crowd on Zoom!
Today I felt a bit of a fraud as I didn't have my baby with me (she was napping) but we still had fun with new babies and old friends joining us from Bristol and beyond. Join us next time if you're a carer or parent stuck at home with a young one!
Monday, Wednesday, Friday @ 1.30pm
The app is free and easy to use. See you Monday!
I think today's 'make myself happy' thing was my dog walk this morning. I bumped into a friend and we walked over the fields bear us for over an hour, 2m from each other of course!
Helping someone: I'm about to drop some groceries to the doorstep of a friend with a very new baby.
Productivity wise, I've done a load of washing and made meatballs for lunch. Yum!
See you tomorrow!
Lou x