QUESTION 1: What am I working on?
Well, this week it's a mixture of my normal writing themed blogging and travel blogging, and my monthly column for MK Pulse magazine. There's no novel happening... I have minute hopes that it will surface again... Writing blogs and articles are so much more fun!
QUESTION 2: How is my work different from others in its genre?
The blogs are personal, no question about that. They are accounts of my own writing, travelling and personal life experiences, which I hope my readers will enjoy. This makes my entries completely fresh and original. I write with a conversational kind of tone, so it's an easy, friendly read, on a wide range of subjects and issues (e.g. baking, environment, but mainly on writing).
QUESTION 3: Why do I write what I do?
First of all, the content has to be of interest to me. I have tried writing about things I don't have any passion for or interest in, and it just doesn't work as well. I write to entertain (me, mainly, but also for the 3500 ish readers I get every week), and I write to help. I enjoy the posts which spread a good, productive, outward-reaching message too (e.g. last week's post on International Womens' Day).
QUESTION 4: How does your writing process work?
I need the idea first. Sometimes it's a photo which inspires me, another piece of writing, a charity or campaign, an especially bad/good experience, or sometimes it's something I've come across that day while driving, walking etc.
Then I sit down and just bash out the words. I know that a blank page doesn't work for most people, and brainstorming what I want to say in short bullet points brings the article or blog post together very quickly. It's also very easy to structure in that way. My English teacher at school would be proud!
When the writing's done, I edit, then I allow myself to indulge the 'fun' part. I love discovering great images to go with my writing - a photo, something I found online, or a fab infographic I've come across (my favourite).
So who's up next?
Suzie Hunt - Read Suzie's blog - Check out her *free* latest short story
Sarah Becker - Check out her blog, GET THE LOOK YOU WANT!
Di Castle - She's writing a book inspired by deafness in her family - also has a blog...
Take a look at their blogs - I know they'll appreciate it!
Lou x
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Born To be A Tourist
Image from Differentiation Station