Christmas is a time of giving. I'm a reader. If you're in any doubt on what to give me as a present in the future, do as my family wisely did*. Give me books.
Two books came my way this Christmas:
THE WHITE TIGER ~ Aravind Adiga
This author is previously unknown to me. This novel was added to my Amazon wishlist, originally recommended by a friend when I was travelling last year.
I loved Laurie Graham's "The Future Homemakers of America", so this one will hopefully be a good 'un too!
I'm currently trying to finish "Dexter By Design" by Jeff Lindsay (big fan of the Dexter TV series, wading through the books), but I can't wait to get stuck into these two.
Welcome to any new readers, by the way. I was lucky enough to be invited onto BBC Northampton Radio this lunch time with presenter Helen Blaby. We talked about lots about getting into reading and how great blogs are... and I managed a cheeky bit of promo for this blog, so it's good to have you here.
See you next week!
Lou x
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*Feel like I should mention my family didn't just give me two books. I was a very lucky girl this year!