So, dear reader, let's get to the point. How exactly can a visit to the Doctor's surgery help your writing?
You might find ideas for characters in your book amongst your fellow patients and pill-heads sitting in the waiting room. Physical descriptions you hadn't thought of. Ailments you hadn't considered. Let your mind wander!
Eavesdrop - some local gossip might inspire a short story or a poem.
Something interesting might come up in conversation in the consultation room. I found this myself when I went for my Hep B jab last year. Good Doctors will try to distract you with conversation if you're going under the needle, I find!
Look around you. Take in your surroundings. There will probably be medical certificates on the walls; what would a story about a Doctor who had fake medical certificates look like? Who is the Receptionist whispering on the phone to? And what do you think the window cleaner might see by accident?
There are always magazines to browse while waiting for your appointment - use them! You might find a competition you could enter, or discover a new market for your short stories.
So next time you have the unpleasant or tedious task of visiting The Quack's, take a moment to work your creative brain. You might discover something more worth holding onto than what ever has put you in the waiting room in the first place!
Lou x
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