How you make your Halloween more environmentally friendly, in other words.
1. Don't use disposable cups. These are cute, but they're creating unnecessary waste. Try the same idea with cermaic reusable ones, if you're really keen on googley eyes.
2. When lighting up creepy decorations, try using candles or LED lights - much more energy efficient than normal bulbs. Solar lights are even better, if you're decorating your garden.
3. Don't make too much food if you're throwing a party. Go with the mantra 'eating is cheating' if you're on the booze! Be creative about the kind of food you can make to make a little go a long way and to reduce food waste. Check out my top foodie picks for Halloween!
4. If your sweet food doesn't get eaten, give them away as 'trick or treat' candy.
5. Use up old scraps of material for costumes, or raid the local charity shop for ideas or outfits you can 'bloody-up'.
6. Don't waste pumpkin! Use the soft flesh and seeds you've scooped out of your decorated pumpkin in a soup or pie, and roast the seeds in paprika and salt. Yum!
8. Give your kids reusable containers for their trick or treat loot.
9. Decorate your house with things you can use again next year. For example, hanging bats made of material, jam jar lanterns, window stickers... Come and have a look at some of my ideas for making your house a horror!
10. Use old tea towels or curtains to make beanbags for 'toss the pumpkin'.
11. Dig out your old jam jars to use as lanterns or as 'witches brew' glasses for spooky themed drinks.
12. Recycle your waste into a costume - just wait until you see what I've got planned!
13. Host a costume swap party. We've all got a costume from the past we could give a new home.
Are you planning to reduce your environmental impact this Halloween? Let me know if you have any tips by commenting in the box below.
Lou x
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