Take note, writers - here are the writing competition you need to know about which close in the last few weeks before 2016!
STORGY Short Story Competition Closes December 30th, max words 5,000, £5 entry, prize of £500
Coralle Short Story Competition Closes December 5th, free entry, max words 2,000, prize is publication
The Growing Unease: NEW Journalism Competition Closes December 18th, max 2,000, publication is the prize, £5 entry
Boulevard’s Short Fiction Contest for Emerging Writers Closes December 31st, max words 8,000, entry is steeep at $15 but the prize is huge: $1,500
Hourglass Literary Magazine Contest Closes December 31st, max 7,000 words, entry is $8, prize of $1,000
99 Words Monthly competition, max 99 words, entry is free and the prize is publication.
First Story - schools get £30 if they enter!!! - Closes 4th December, no fee, prize is publication on Sunday Times Online and a writing residential course.
Magic Oxygen Closes 31st December, entry £5, prizes up to £1000.
Henshaw Press Closes 31st December, £5 entry, up to £100 prize.
Get writing!
Lou x
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Born to be a Tourist