We all know what it means to love someone: to be there for them, you care about their wellbeing, enjoying quality time with them, treating them well and ‘having their back’… But how many of us can say we have the same relationship status with ourselves?
It’s perhaps a bigger challenge on some days/weeks than others, but listening to your body, respecting yourself and your boundaries, and sometimes just forgiving yourself can help you ‘have your own back’.
Here are ten ways you can foster a greater self-love for yourself – you’re worth it!
- Protect your ‘you’ time – speaking as a mum of a toddler, this comes from the heart! I try to make sure I do something for my own pleasure each day, like baking, finishing my book, having a really long walk…
- Don’t believe everything you think. A self-help Lifehack website says “There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe. The downside is this also stops us from living a full life.”
- Celebrate the small wins. When the last year or two has made it difficult to get together with folks we would celebrate with, find a little reason to do so at home on a smaller scale.
- Nourish yourself – your body and mind will have a better chance if you fuel it with good nutritious food and lots of water.
- Stop comparing yourself to others. Period.
- Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you – this includes ending toxic relationships. This is difficult, but you’ll feel so much free-er afterwards!
- Allow yourself to make mistakes. We all make them, so remember that sometimes learning from them can help you move forward.
- Don’t place your value on how you look. A ‘good hair day’ is a wonderful thing, and a toned body is great, but you are so much more than good legs!
- Forgive yourself. If you’re ashamed or feeling guilty about something, perhaps try to make amends and let it go.
- Don’t worry too much about what other people think. Trying to do what society expects or trying to please everyone all the time is exhausting and impossible!

Finally, I find it helpful to imagine I am a friend of mine listening to how I don’t feel so great about who I am or how I feel – how would they react? What would they say or do?
Have a wonderful November and take care,
Lou x
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