Yesterday was a hard day in lockdown. It could have been a lot worse than just the boredom I felt but I don't cope well with being bored.
I'd done my productive thing: Did the food shop first thing.
I'd done my 'help someone' thing: I delivered the last of our plum buns to an elderly neighbour.
I'd done something for myself: A decent catch up with a friend over WhatsApp.
It wasn't enough yesterday. I'm not one to wait and watch TV all day and it was a bit cold for enjoying the garden. I took the dog for a walk, but nothing else inspired.
It's not even just the social isolation. There's no day trips, no cafes open, no open museums to wander through, no walks in new beauty spots, no lunches out, and no shopping. Things I took for granted to punctuate the day.
I'm on my own a lot of the day, with baby. She's learning fast but we can't exactly play Monopoly yet.
Help me for the next day of boredom please - what do you do when boredom strikes in lockdown and isolation?
Hoping for a more entertaining day today!
Lou x