I'm not feeling like me at the moment, and I think a blog will help, so here goes!
Added to this stress, I've been worried about my daughter who's had a dicky belly, battling to keep my weight even at the highest I'm semi-happy with, and working HARD in my day job. Baking has been put off for a while until we move, but that's stressful because I'm losing money now we've not moved on time! ARGH!
The worst bit? The unknown. It's a hard thing to deal with, in any situation. I remember feeling similarly out of sorts at the start of lockdown, when things were all unknown and worrisome, when we didn't know how we'd cope or for how long. Thankfully Covid-19 isn't on my 'stress list' at the moment, although it didn't help yesterday not being able to see my mum. I just want to know when we'll be moving FOR SURE and just get on with it!!!
I've started today with a bit of a clearer head. A chat with my friend certainly helped, a good night's sleep (but I always have them!), and a renewed resolve to stick to no carbs before 2pm has definitely helped me shuffle away from the crappy feeling I had this weekend.
Today's blog was a bit of a rant, apologies, but I really do feel a little better having written it down. Ever felt like that??
Lou x
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