I'm asking you today, are you, as a writer, a vampire?
What am I getting at?
Do you suck the life blood from other writers?
Do you put other writers down? Everyone needs a bit of encouragement sometimes - even the big players! No one writes because they hate to write, everyone is just trying to express themselves. Next time you're at a networking meeting, writers group or contributing to a forum online, try to check if you're being constructively critical (if you need to critique) and be nice!
Are you drawn to myths and legends?
Vampires are often drawn to stories and tales of fantasy occurrences. Being a fan of this genre isn't anything to worry about, but don't let it become a blood-sucking obsession. There's a whole plethora of themes and genres out there for you to explore - don't limit yourself to what you're familiar with. Try romance or comedy, for example. You might find your calling!
Do you close the curtains in your study to keep out the sunlight?
If you're overly sensitive to sunlight, then you might want to take a closer look at your situation. You may not be a fully-fledged vampire, but I'd make sure you are getting some form of light during the day. Hiding in your study or bedroom all day furiously typing or thinking your way out of your current creative block isn't healthy. An absence of natural light can reduce creativity, make your brain work slower, and everyone needs a bit of vitamin A. Get some sunglasses and go for a walk at lunch time - the fresh air will do you good!
Are you nocturnal?
Does writing at night work for you? Well, I suggest you stay with that tactic, then, if it's how you work best, but I recommend you keep away from garlic. Make sure you are getting enough sleep though as this can affect how productive you are whatever time you sit down to write.
Check out Gaia Online for tips on how to cope best if you're a nocturnal writer.
Do you bleed through your work?
There's a famous quote from Ernest Hemingway: "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Put your heart and soul, your blood, sweat and tears into your writing, and it'll work. Your readers will see the passion you have and connect with the story. It's hard work, exhausting and a long process, but if you really work hard and put all you have into your piece, you'll achieve.
For more about bleeding in writing, check out this post from Quote Investigator.
Do you suffer from vampire-like mood swings?
No one likes a moody housemate/spouse/offspring. And writers can be this. So, my advice is, check yourself. Try to write to make yourself happy, and embrace the tough times. Some days you'll feel the muse, others you won't. Try not to take it out on your family and friends - they don't deserve it, chances are, and if they do, subtly put them in your novel and kill them off!
Have you ever melted in the sunlight?
Oh, ok, time to stop!
I hope you get my point, anyway. You are a writer. So, write! Write your own stuff, get creative and...

For more traits of vampires, visit Real Vampires. Give yourself the full check-up!
If you're disappointed this isn't a post about how to write a vampire novel, check out these tips from WikiHow and another from Inanna Arthen: Think Outside The Coffin.
Lou x
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Born To be A Tourist
Image courtesy of Vampire Bibliographica