From April 1st, I join Rebecca Giltrow and several other writers in the April Blogging Challenge. We are blogging every day (aside from Sunday) throughout April.
As Rebecca says, "most of the time if you subtract Sundays from April, you then have 26 days--one day for each letter of the alphabet. When April 1st lands on a Sunday you begin on that day which will be the only Sunday you would post during that month's challenge." This means day one is A themed, day two is B themed... And so on until Z on 30th April.
I'm hoping to include social media tips, writing campaigns, reviews, more of my own material, general writing tips and more... Treasured reader, I hope you enjoy it, even if you just enjoy seeing me under pressure!
What have I let myself in for?! More to the point, who else is in?!
My first post will be Easter Monday, the 1st April 2013. Catch you then - I'm off to plan!
Lou x
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