But why?
I think it was due to a couple of big boosts I’ve had to my writing ego.
First of all, Travel Generation approached me last week, asking for me to write them a few articles for their travel blog. I was more than excited, having enjoyed some previous posts on this website, so accepted immediately. Three articles of mine are due during next month and September, so keep an eye on my Facebook for news of their publishing dates. Totally encouraged, I went on a creative binge, and not just in writing for Travel Generation. Blogs and articles were free-flowing!
Secondly, last week was Towcester Writers meeting for July. The pre-set theme was ‘Pre-Wedding Jitters’ (I wonder why…?) and I read out a short piece of 1200 words I’d worked quite hard on. I wasn’t totally sure it worked, but writing on that theme seemed to come a bit easy. The theme wasn’t true to life at all, and I did get asked how my relationship was with my mother (it's fine!), but the group loved my short story. I have never had such an enthusiastic reception from my fellow writers! Chuffed!
So how has this helped me?
Well, since that successful reception, I have entered my pre-wedding jitters story into a competition. It’s been so long since I’d entered a writing competition and it felt good to be back in the saddle. I can’t share the piece with you until the winners have been announced , but I’ll be sure to post the story on here in September when the deadline has passed.
Why am I blogging about this? I'm not bragging, honest: I think it’s good to formally and deliberately recognise these moments of inspiration. So many times in a writer’s life we struggle with ‘writers’ block’ (real or imagined) and sometimes it can feel like we’re writing the same old stuff on the same subject. But when those precious occasions come along when you feel truly excited and inspired to write, we should grab them with both hands and see where it takes us.
How have you felt inspired lately?
Lou x
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